Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where are all the artsy folk at?

According to popular belief and maybe some actual scientific study, people utilizing the left side of their brain have a more structured, systematic way of thinking and gravitate towards subjects like math and science that involve logic and reason. However, there are those leaning more towards the right. I am not referring to the politically conservative, but to those using a more out-of-the-box way of thinking. Many of you probably have been asked at some point in your life whether you are right or left-brain dominant, or maybe you have just seen a pop-up ad online for a quiz that will reveal which category you fall under.

Well folks, I have taken the quiz and the results are in. I operate predominately through the right side of my noggin, alongside the other doodle-drawing note takers and all the rest of the unconventional artsy bunch. With that way of working comes the urge to create something that will bring life to the otherwise mundane. We can paint canvases and make jewelry to our hearts content, but I feel that creating is more satisfying when there is an outlet in which what you make can be displayed to inspire and be appreciated by others.

Realizing this, my search for my own outlets while I attend college at Texas A&M University has begun. Regrettably, it has made me acutely aware that craft fairs, art shows, and workshops for making and showing off creations are not easy to find in College Station. I would go as far to say that the culture for such things simply does not play a significant role in the culture of this college town. I am on the look out, hoping to be proved wrong. Maybe the crafty culture that seems to be sweeping the nation is bustling under the surface of happenings in the College Station/Bryan area too, just waiting to be brought into the limelight!

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